Archivio Pubblicazioni

venerdì 1 dicembre 2017

The role of the polymorphisms of the glutathione S-transferase (GST) and Claudine-1 (CLDN1) gene in contact sensitization: a cross-sectional study

While contact sensitization is common in the general population and results from excessive or repeated exposure of the skin to chemicals and metals, little is known about genetic susceptibility.
Objectives: To determine the role of the polymorphisms of the glutathione S-transferase (GST) and claudin-1 (CLDN1) gene on the risk of contact sensitization, taking into account the common mutations of the filaggrin gene (FLG).

Methods: genotyping for the following polymorphisms: deletion of GSTM1 and T1, GSTP1 SNP rs1695, four SNPs of CLDN1 (rs893051, rs9290927, rs9290929 and rs17501010), and FLG null (R501X and 2282del4).

Results: Among the subjects without ear piercing, a higher prevalence of sensitization to nickel was found in those with the minor allele of CLDN1 SNP rs9290927 (Ptendenza = 0.013). For CLDN1 rs17501010, contact sensitization to organic compounds was associated with the major allele (Ptendenza = 0.031). The risk model was also identified for self-reported nickel dermatitis (Ptendenza = 0.011). The prevalence of fragrance sensitization was different in a pair comparison of SNP rs893051 genotypes of CLDN1 (p = 0.022) with the minor allele that was associated with a higher prevalence. The associations were confirmed by logistic regression analysis.

Conclusions: The polymorphisms rs9290927, rs893051, and rs17501010 of CLDN1 have been associated with contact sensitization to nickel in individuals without ear piercing, with contact sensitization to fragrances, and with both organic compounds and contact dermatitis to nickel, respectively. We found no association between GST polymorphisms and contact sensitization. Mutations of FLG did not influence the observed associations.

History of the publication
Title:  The role of Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) and Claudin-1 (CLDN1) gene polymorphisms in contact sensitization: a cross-sectional study

Journal: Nature Genetics
Author / s:   Daniel Viennese
Affiliations: Department of Dermato-Allergology - Department of Clinical Genetics

Lo Staff / The Staff 

American Europen Medical Center 
Direttore del sito : Daniel Viennese 

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Lo Staff / The Staff

American Europen Medical Center
Direttore del sito : Daniel Viennese